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Joystick 2 Mouse

Figure 1: The “Joystick 2 Mouse” configuration dialog box
The “Joystick 2 Mouse” configuration dialog box

Figure 2: “General Configuration” Section
General Configuration
Figure 3: “About Joystick 2 Mouse” Section

Figure 4: “General” Section under Profiles
Figure 5: “Actions Assignment” Section under Profiles
Figure 6: “Shift Buttons” Section under Profiles
Figure 7: “Axes Configuration” Section under Profiles

Figure 8: “Select Action” and “Action Type” sections under Actions
Figure 9: “virtual key” action selected
Figure 10: “mouse movement” action selected
Figure 11: “combined” action selected

Joystick 2 Mousehelp

The “Joystick 2 Mouse” configuration dialog box has three tabs (figure 1).

The first thing you see when you start “Joystick 2 Mouse” is the Joysticks configuration tab divided in two parts.

The first part is the “General Configuration” part, made to control the general configuration of the program.

You can check the “Launch On Startup” CheckBox if you want the program to start with windows.

The ComboBox holds the names of the working and connected joysticks on your system.

In this tab you select the profile that will be connected to each of these joysticks.

What you have to do, is:
  1. Select a joystick from the list.
  2. Click on the “change” button if you want to set or change the profile that will be connected to the selected joystick. Or, click the “remove” button to remove the profile that was connected to the joystick.
  3. Check the “This joystick is enabled” CheckBox if you want this joystick to be enabled. Or uncheck it in order to disable this joystick.

The second part is the “About Joystick 2 Mouse” part.

You can change the picture on the left so it matches the picture/s of your joystick/s.

In order to set a picture for a specific joystick, select it from the list in the “General Configuration” section, click on the place of the picture, and select “change” in the popup menu to select a new or another picture, or you can remove the picture by selecting “remove”.

The second tab is the “Profiles” tab. In this tab you can configure the “Joystick 2 Mouse” profiles on your computer. This tab has four sections.

The first section is the “General” section.

In this section you select the profile you want to configure by clicking on the “open” button.

After you’ve selected the profile you want to configure, you can set the most appropriate joystick for this profile, or in other words, the joystick that this profile is designed for. If you assign this profile to a different joystick, you will get a warning. If you select the empty line, it means that this profile is not designed for a specific joystick, and other kinds of joysticks can use it.

In this section you can also set the Polling Delay of the joystick, when it uses this profile.

The second section is the “Actions Assignment” section. In this section you make the connection between the joystick’s buttons, and the actions.

In order to set an action you have to select the button you want to configure, and a shift button. A shift button is a button that changes the action of the joystick’s buttons. If you configure one shift button, every other button and axis on your joystick can perform two different actions. If you set two shift buttons, every other button and axis on your joystick that are not shift buttons, can perform three different actions, and each one of the shift buttons can perform an action while the other shift button(s) are pressed, but if it is the first button to be pressed, it does nothing, and “waits” for another button to be pressed.

After you selected a button and a shift button, you can select the action that will be activated. You select an action by first selecting the theme it’s in, and then selecting the action itself.

The third section is the “Shift Buttons” section. In this section you select the shift buttons in the profile.

You can add a shift button by selecting it in the left list, and click the “add” button.

You can remove a shift button by selecting it in the right list, and click the “remove” button.

Because the shift buttons’ order has a meaning, you can select a shift button from the right list, and use the “up” and “down” buttons to change their order.

The fourth section is the “Axes Configuration” section. In this section you can set each one of your joystick’s axes.

You can set each joystick’s type (Horizontal or Vertical), set whether the program should swap the axis’ direction, and set the Threshold and the Sensitivity.

The third tab is the “Actions” tab. In this tab you manage the actions the program will recognize and activate.

The first two sections are the “Select Action” and “Action Type” sections.

If you select an action that already exists, you cannot select the type of the action. To select an action, or to create a theme that doesn’t exist, you need to write their name in the ComboBoxes, if the name you entered exists, the action or theme with the same name will be selected. You can select the type of the action only before you save the action.

If you select a “virtual key” action (Figure 9), you’ll be able to set the value of the “virtual key”, and its “push type”.

You can also select a “mouse movement” action (Figure 10).

If you select a “combined” action (Figure 11), you’ll have the opportunity to select the actions that will be activated when the current action is activated. These actions can be any one of the known actions.

How to Customize J2M: Advanced Help